Present daily on the Rungis international market, the largest fresh produce market in the world, we look for the best gourmet products on the market for you.


With more than 1200 wholesalers present on the Rungis market, it is a veritable labyrinth with its own codes, its own rules.


Through this immensity, we are here to save you time, we are your eyes on Rungis to verify quality, freshness and prices. We are your advisor on the Rungis market in order to be sure to buy the best products at the best prices.

We know who to contact, from whom to choose, to buy the best fresh products offered by the producers, importers, wholesalers present on the Rungis Market.


Being on Rungis and knowing the suppliers, their differences and their particularities, allows us to offer you a fast and quality service.

We are here for you, to help you make your purchases in optimum conditions. So don’t hesitate any longer, give us a call, we’re here to help.