Cherry tomatoe

For you, we find the untraceable!

Almost 20 years of experience in purchasing and trade, more than 10 years in the import and export of products from all over the world, we put all our skills at your service on a daily basis on the Rungis international market. Search for rare products, picking, repackaging of pallets or packages, we are here to satisfy you and satisfy your end customers. So, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer you. We are your buyer on the Rungis market.

Rare and exceptional products.

Finger lime, Black lemon from Iran, Lemon Yuzu, Lemon Calmansi, Hand of Buddha, peppers and spices from all over the world, mini vegetables, edible flowers, fine salads, ancient vegetables ... and many more.

Finger lime
Zucchini flower

A daily presence on the RUNGIS market to ensure product and service quality.

Rungis market it’s 1200 companies !!! 400 in fruits and vegetables. Our perfect knowledge of the many players who make up the Rungis market: wholesalers, producers, transporters, allows us to respond to all your requests within very short deadlines. We can find your products and ship them to you halfway around the world.

French, Italian, Iranian, African, Thai, Peruvian, West Indian products specialist.

Rungis market is a crossroads of all culinary cultures. In addition, French products which are the spearhead of the market, countless diverse and varied products can also be found there: Kola nuts from West Africa, Black lemon from Iran, Cime di Rappa from Italy, Green Mango from Thailand, Aji Amarillo Pepper from Peru, Cinnamon Leaf from the West Indies and more.

Buddha's hand
Yuzu lemon

A tailor-made service.

Do not hesitate any longer, contact us and let us know your needs.

Ishop4You, your buyer on Rungis.